We Grow Forest Foundation
3 min readJan 7, 2023


The festival of trees, also known as Van Mahotsav, is observed throughout India during the first week of July, i.e. from 1st July to 7th July. It aims to create awareness towards the conservation of forests and plantation of trees among people. Generally, indigenous trees are planted during forest festivals due to their adaptability to local conditions, as these trees have a high survival rate.

Monsoon in India usually starts in the first week of July, which is an ideal time to hold the festival. Also, most seedlings planted at this time have a greater chance of survival than those planted at other times of the year. Forests and trees are essential to life on earth. They maintain the ecological balance and provide oxygen to human beings on the planet. The celebration of Van Mahotsav week reminds us that we must protect forests and stop deforestation.

A festival of life is observed during Van Mahotsava. It began as a campaign in India to protect the environment. The celebration of trees is what Van Mahotsava is called. It started in July 1947 following a successful treeplanting campaign in Delhi in which national leaders, including Dr Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru, took part. Some Indian states simultaneously observed the occasion. Since then, with the community’s and other organisations’ strong support, including the forest department, tens of thousands of saplings of various kinds have been planted.

Life on Earth depends heavily on forests. They consistently meet human needs by offering shade, shelter, refreshment, clean air and water.

According to international law, 33% of each country’s land area should be forested. Natural forest cover in Kerala is just less than 5%. We have lost 9 lakh hectares of forest. The price of one hectare of forest is Rs.1 crore. That means the loss of Kerala is 9 lakh crore rupees every year. According to CWRDM figures, one hectare of forest can hold 50 lakh litres of water above ground level. It’s time to consider a solution to this, so let’s do that now. Is there any farther we can go without tackling climate change and global warming?

As the population of the globe expands, so does the demand for forest products, putting forests at serious risk of deforestation and degradation in the modern world.

Sustainable forest management and resource usage are essential to prevent climate change and promote the wealth and well-being of present and future generations. Forests are also crucial for poverty alleviation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite these valuable environmental, economic, social, and health benefits, global deforestation continues at an alarming rate.

According to the Indian Forest Department, “we should plant roughly ten seedlings per day to replace the loss for every tree felled.” But the problem is that this practice is followed very rarely. It is vital to consume and produce wood in a more environmentally friendly way for the planet and its inhabitants. Let’s protect this easily renewable resource with sustainable management of forests.

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We Grow Forest Foundation

We Grow Forest Foundation is a non-profit organisation formed to foster a public understanding of the forest ecosystem.