Technology is a piece of knowledge or a set of tools that help make things easier or resolve any problems. It can be applied in industries or our daily lives where we use our scientific knowledge to achieve some purpose. Technology can be found everywhere in today’s world, and this makes the world function efficiently.
Technology can be found at every corner of today’s world, and technology makes the world function more quickly. As a result, there is no doubt that technology becomes integral to our daily lives for better and maybe worse.
Technology benefits us to persist effortlessly. Therefore, it is essential to enable more effective, faster, and accessible methods for managing a profession. With the help of technology, people from a wide range of fields have managed to inspect the disorders and find solutions. Therefore, technology plays a significant role in enhancing sustainable forestry in the 21st century.
“The technological innovations in forestry help ease access to its various sectors and implement many innovative activities.”
It is essential to control the use, management and exploitation of existing greenery cover through sustainable actions, which can only be resolved by bringing about a radical change in its forest management and conservation practices. Integrating technological innovation with current sustainable practices can be an effective tool.
New technologies are helping forests to be more sustainable. For instance, drones are used to obtain accurate forest data to improve forest planning and management processes.
Some of the innovative technologies that help to manage forests are as follows;
Drone technology is used to detect pests that affect canopies. This helps to identify the outbreak, and sudden actions can be taken instantly. We can also identify forest fires and also locate intense hot spots. Thus avoiding the chances of a disaster and saving many lives. We can also track illegal logging with the help of drone technology. Drones can also be used to distribute seed balls at places where human interventions are not possible.
Geotagging is a method of adding geographical data to various media such as photographs, videos, QR codes, etc. By implementing GeoTagging in forests, an individual tree can then be identified with the help of satellites and can even monitor from space. Geo-tagging is usually done to fulfil specific needs such as identifying destroyed trees, preserving the national trees, and endangered trees in a particular area.
Green Bots
These technology-driven intelligent sensors can be vital in preserving forests and providing data to serve as a catalyst towards more sustainable forest management. Green bots are also valuable for checking methane leaks, which can deplete root level oxygen and result in the death of a tree. In addition, they monitor real-time activities in areas that are more prone to forest fires. This digital inventory helps document the roots, soil types, and climatic conditions for each significant territory.
LIDAR Technology
(Light Detection and Ranging) is also beneficial for modern foresters, which collects tree measurements and detailed imaging. LIDAR helps measure canopy heights and volume, basal areas and habitat mapping.
Other popular technologies
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) help in aerial surveillance, mapping, aerial photography, thermal imagery, and topographic monitoring. Subsequently, this aids in wildlife conservation, biodiversity and vegetation conservation, the balance of ecology, and similar aspects of forestry.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology also help foresters and loggers monitor and analyse timberland health, improve transportation routing, track forest growth and maintain a database of timberland changes.
“Technologies help monitor the health and growth of trees, contributing to the conservation and preservation of forests and flora and fauna.”
These technologies provide information that can help prevent forest fires and other catastrophes and create databases that can aid in rapid reforestation.
The data captured by these technologies can help create a real-time forest inventory, informing all afforestation activities taking place in the country. Using these technologies, afforestation areas, and promoting afforestation activities can improve forests’ connectivity, improve biodiversity, and expand habitats for indigenous species.
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