Are you interested in making a difference?
If yes, then here is a platform for all nature lovers to speak, share, connect and participate in our planet conservation activities.
We Grow Forest Foundation is a PAN Indian NGO, looking forward to spreading activities across the nation through chapters. The diverse chapters develop different areas to focus on mainstream environment conservation and uphold people’s interest in green offices, sustainable practices, tree planting activities, and other sustainable activities. The Chapters at national, state, district, and regional levels represent and suggest a variety of solutions to help mitigate climate change, diminish deforestation, and promote Urban Forestry.
How to create or join a chapter?
We Grow Forest Chapters are the main foundation of the organisation. Hence starting a chapter or joining as a member in a chapter is the first step to associate with We Grow Forest Foundation.
To join the We Grow Forest Chapter; the basic prerequisite is to subscribe to the We Grow Forest Club Membership. Club Membership is the passport to all the We Grow Forest activities. After subscribing to Club Membership, the We Grow Forest Team will contact you within 24 hours and will explain in detail the working process of chapters and further procedures. If you are interested to proceed further, the chapter formation documents will be emailed to you. If you are not interested to join a chapter, you can still be a Club Member of the We Grow Forest Foundation and enjoy the perks of being a member.
Being eligible to become a chapter member requires approval from an external background verification agency. Once the member is eligible, he or she can bring in other members to form the chapter. There should be a minimum of ten members from the same geographical area to form a chapter. We Grow Forest Team will help the member to finalise the governing body of the chapter. There should be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer for each chapter. Each member of the chapter should take Club Membership to be a member of the chapter. The Chapter President will have to forward all relevant documents of the team to the head office. The entire chapter will then undergo training and induction provided by the We Grow Forest Team. Due to the current pandemic situation, the training session will be conducted on a virtual platform. Professional training will be imparted to team members to run the chapters.
If We Grow Forest Foundation hasn’t come to your area yet,why not consider creating a chapter?
Who is a Chapter Head?
The State Chapter Head will hold the title of Honorary President and he can appoint Vice Presidents and form a governing council from different districts and will be accountable for all the activities of city and district level chapters in the state. Chapter Head must evaluate, promote, coach, and develop the chapter members directly or indirectly to carry out the activities. When there are more chapters in a district, the We Grow Forest Secretariat along with the State President will decide the District Head. Chapter heads should proactively update the We Grow Forest Secretariat on strategic decisions and attend regular meetings to discuss relevant matters. The Chapter Head or Chapter President runs the activities of We Grow Forest Chapters with the help of the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and Chapter Members.
What does it cost to be a Club Member and what are the benefits?
It costs INR 999/- to get a We Grow Forest Club Membership. There are many benefits once you become a club member. We Grow Forest Foundation’s digital platform Virtual Name Connect will provide all the club members with a “Digital Business Card” known as InfiCard. Club members can also avail of other digital products and services offered by Virtual Name Connect at discounted rates. Members are awarded the Green Warrior certificate from We Grow Forest Foundation recognising the efforts of green activities. Eligible Chapter’s will also receive mini-grants for implementing projects or initiatives. Free access or discounted entry fee on all events and activities of We Grow Forest Foundation and partner organisations is another benefit of being a chapter member. All members will get a free subscription to the eMagazine (“Sound of Forest”) and discounted advertisement tariffs for all sustainable businesses. There is also an opportunity to network and connect with like-minded people and similar organisations across the world. Individual profiles of chapter members will also be featured in the Chapter Updates section of We Grow Forest eMagazine’s. All the members in the chapter will be added to the We Grow Forest Directory (The pioneer directory for environmentalists) through Virtual Name Connect.