We Grow Forest Foundation
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


Taboos and Totems related to plants have a significant role in conserving our environment and biodiversity. What are the role of taboos and totems?

Taboos — The taboo label is nothing but a product of the human mind. Taboos are activities or customs that are restricted or prohibited for some reason. Taboo plants, in general, refer to plants that a particular ethnic group will avoid growing or cutting, primarily for superstitious reasons.

Totems — Totems are anything in nature we connect to guidance and wisdom. Any object (such as a plant or animal) serving as a symbol or representative of a particular quality or concept. Totemism refers to a mystical relationship between a group of individuals and a species of animal or plant.

Taboos and totems control human behaviour. It may be irrational or of no value to one part of the society; some blindly believe in them, but culturally defined taboos may play an increasingly important role in biodiversity conservation. These beliefs are mechanisms towards deterring people from engaging in the unwarranted and malicious killing of animals and birds, unjustified destruction of the natural vegetation, and unhygienic practices that may contaminate water sources. The unconscious appreciation of certain environmental taboos and totems inform an esoteric environmentally based knowledge meant for sustainable use of natural resources.

These taboos and beliefs are the prime reason for preserving our sacred groves. Sacred grooves contribute to a general respect for nature. These sites function as nature conservation areas or as nature buffer zones. People believe that any harm to the sacred groves or cutting down a tree in the sacred grove will result in local deities’ wrath by causing crop failures and diseases. Hence, people do not dare to take even dead trees from the sacred groves or cause any harm to the fauna. This has helped to preserve the naturalness of the sacred places.
In most cases, sacred places are believed to be the domain of spiritual forces. Certain traditional ceremonies are held in the sacred forests and mountains, and the relevant taboos help conserve them. People are reluctant to visit these sites because of such beliefs, and this deterrence is used to safeguard and promote sustainable use of natural resources. This helps create a harmonious living between human beings and the whole of nature. Taboos, totems and sacred places show that. Thus, taboos, totems and sacred places, objects and animals are revered for fostering environmental awareness, thereby protecting nature.

Basically, totemism is crucial in extending some moral consideration to nonhuman animals. Within the ecosystem, there are certain rare animal species that are facing merciless annihilation, such as pythons, pangolins, fish, and rhinoceros. In this regard, people have devised strategies of curbing unsustainable use of such animal species by way of totems. Totems prohibit unsustainable use and cruelty to creatures which one uses as a totem. Violation of taboos and totems are feared because of the consequences that the offender would face.

Taboos and totems create a belief that the environment, including water sources, vegetation and animals, should be treated with respect since their mistreatment may enrage ancestor spirits, who may punish the human community with droughts and floods. The whole concepts of taboos and totemism help conserve and manage the environment.
These orally unwritten, orally transmitted beliefs serve as a tool for protecting rare forest species. They also help in protecting threatened and endangered species. Most of these beliefs are regional and conserve the species in that locality. Thus, there is an urge to support the Indigenous groups and preserve and use their knowledge before it is lost.

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We Grow Forest Foundation
We Grow Forest Foundation

Written by We Grow Forest Foundation

We Grow Forest Foundation is a non-profit organisation formed to foster a public understanding of the forest ecosystem.

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