We Grow Forest Foundation
4 min readJul 5, 2021


Our generation’s biggest problem is that we have too much information to sift through. Activism is great, but at the same time, what we need is solutions and not just confrontations. There is too much information about what is best for our planet, how we will get deployed of our resources soon, how to get out of this planet, and settle our lives on another planet- all these are exhausting for most of us times. This exhaustion is understood as green fatigue, a condition that’s understandable supported these continuous messages of impending global doom. This phrase describes how people feel at times when they are bombarded with shocking news on the pandemic, global warming, environmental pollution, and so on. People feel like shutting down or, even worse give up.

We are at a tipping point in human history, where we face the climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, pandemic, natural calamities etc. Green fatigue sets in only because we have been talking about all these for a considerably long period. Still, very little progress seems to be made. This fatigue sets in among all of us, which paves the way to frustration and disillusionment. Many people step aside, thinking that someone else will take up the initiative and clean up the mess. The issues we face currently are of a magnitude that many of our forefathers have seen in at least two generations.

The measure of people’s actions being told to take by green consumerism groups and businesses is so small, which seems meaningless. People see this only as a widening gulf and lose hope. Even businesses have turned environmentalism into a marketing strategy. They have brought in “Green Washing”, wherein companies cover up their conventional business practices with a superficial green gloss. All these add up to a recipe for disillusionment and eventually disengagement.

Psychologically, people are primed to walk away from complex problems to understand and feel difficult to solve.􀁑

What we need to do at this hour is to focus on the need of the local community at large. We must undertake honest efforts to understand the scale of the changes that have to be made and counter the green fatigue by fighting against climate change and other calamities. The prime focus should be to create a green consciousness among people across communities and to create a volunteer group mixed with fun and adventure to co-create the lost greenery. Every small effort in this regard must be appreciated. So take a day off from your hectic schedule, go for a soft adventure in some nearby place rich with a natural ecosystem having lots of native trees, fruit-bearing plants, full of greenery, which will add up to our overall wellness- physical, emotional, social, psychological and even spiritual.􀁇

It has been scientifically proved that a day spends in a natural ecosystem is found to soothe our body and mind.

Go near a tree, try to hold on to it, and try to breathe in its scent, feel its presence. We can feel a tremendous threshold of energy sweeping through us. This is part of Forest Therapy, wherein just being in close contact with the trees will yield better health and wellbeing results. The pandemic and other medical conditions tormenting our thoughts can be wiped out only through a positive mindset, changing our behavioural practices and being in tune with nature. This is an effortless practice that we can follow as part of our daily routine. Make it a practice to bring in greenery within our home, office space or business house and understand the positivity and productivity that will get enhanced with the lush green interiors and green zones within our premises. This is a little bit that anyone can try without taking a lot of effort. We can feel a sense of belongingness and feel in unison with our Mother Nature. This, though a micro attempt from an individual point of view, will bring tremendous results.

Let us put our efforts together and bring greenery back to our life. Green Fatigue is contagious and is like taking slow poison, slowly wiping out our confidence, and wellbeing but steadily, and frustrations start piling up within us. It will slowly make us feel exhausted, insecure and completely vulnerable.

So it’s high time that we make our efforts to wipe off Green fatigue and fill in Green Consciousness and make our planet a better place to live on for many more generations to come.

􀁈To know more about We Grow Forest Foundation please visit our website or contact us at on 9778411911 or email at us􀁕􀁖􀁗􀁄􀁑􀁇􀀃􀁄􀁑􀁇􀀃􀁉􀁈􀁈􀁏􀀃􀁇􀁌􀉝􀁆􀁘􀁏􀁗􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁖􀁒􀁏􀁙􀁈􀀑



We Grow Forest Foundation
We Grow Forest Foundation

Written by We Grow Forest Foundation

We Grow Forest Foundation is a non-profit organisation formed to foster a public understanding of the forest ecosystem.

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