“Birds are the most beautiful species in the world & it increases the beauty of nature.”
When did you last listen to the morning cuckoo bird song? Are you seeing any squirrels on the trees in cities? Where is the honey bees buzzing music? What about the beautiful butterflies, where are they gone? Are they transported to another world or did we snatch their little beautiful world from them? Are we going to teach our children that these tiny lives are just animated characters? Everything is constantly changing and deteriorating the eco-balance of nature due to overpopulated humans and their needs. Anecdotes and research studies depict the alarming statistics of imbalances and annihilation in the environment.
We are stepping towards the ‘age of anxiety.’ Together with climate change, urbanisation is considered to be the largest threat to wildlife, including the tenacity of many bird species. Birds in urban areas are additionally affected by increased levels of human activity, leading to changed food type and food availability. The world is busy building the finest cities and competing with each other with all the amenities and facilities to have a relaxed and forever happy life. Although people are living in abundance; the urban dwellers are going through a lot of mental and physical maladies compared to people who live in a rural area.
“Is it possible to go back to where we evolved? No, we can’t!”
But we can recreate the same since cutting-edge science and technology have revolutionised the world. Therefore, ‘Urban forestry’ would be the new possibility and saviour of mankind. We Grow Forest Foundation has been constantly researching and making development in this field due to the prerequisite of this project. We can make our city spheres greener and accommodate pollinators, which would revive other biodiversities. Pollinators are an essential part of the reproduction of plants’ hence we promote more parks and gardens in urban environments. Predominately, our prime focus is to give birth to mini-forest in urban shades, implementing the Miyawaki formula. Most bird species that breed in the forests are very poorly adapted to sustain once the vegetation is removed. Urban parks can act as reservoirs for birdlife.
Simply providing dense stands of trees in an attempt to recreate a forest is not sufficient. The entire system should be architecturally constructed with trees, bushes, shrubs and herbs, their multiple layers and interlocking structures. Different types of birds feed on different items, including fruits and seeds, nectar from flowers, and a wide range of insects. Urban forests must include ponds, streams, and drainage canals to ensure a water supply for wildlife and for those insects which require water in their life cycle. We can also install ‘nest boxes’ for encouraging certain bird species to come and inhabit the new vegetation. Careful planning on cutting and pruning trees is also essential for urban forests to avoid the main breeding seasons. The presence of wildlife in urban vegetation is the ultimate testimony to the quality of the environment.
We Grow Forest Foundation also plans to create green offices with ‘green walls’ made up of plants and indoor succulents. Furthermore, we create awareness in society, including schools and other educational institutions, and conduct activities to make a behavioural change for the coming generations to be part of this green revolution. We want every household to grow at least a tree, or a bush or a shrub to encourage birds and similar small animals to co-habitat with us. Moreover, We Grow Forest Foundation is generating affiliation programmes for corporate to mitigate the carbon footprint and other perilous environmental issues through establishing sustainable practices in organisations such as recycling methods and promoting biodegradable products.
Green Charging Zones are another project in the pipeline that would be beneficial for neighbourhoods and biospheres to be intact. Many major cities in the world have taken urban forestry on a serious note and quintessential to countries looking to adopt the same model. For instance, Singapore’s building constructions are following a ‘biophilic’ design which is architects replacing walls, columns with trees, leaves, bees and flies.
Let your senses feel nature, witness the beauty it creates and listen to the soulful song of birds. Bring back the orchestra of nature.
“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”
To know more about We Grow Forest Foundation please visit our website or contact us at on 9778411911 or email at us